A name for empires

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A name for empires Status: Will be added

Detailed Description:

Months ago i started a poll to include more story into the game and it was a very popular idea. I was notified by the GM to send my ideas. Well heres a proposition for random things to include in the game. One thing that can be done is grant the permission to name our empires just as we would a federation. Countries i look at as states. So if all these countries are under one control, there should be an overall name for the empire as well as the countries name. Example: 3 countries named, alabama, geogia, and texas. Result- The American Empire. This will make it easy for stats as well. Vote yes to have names for empires. Keep in mind this doesnt mean i want to change the fact we can name countries...just want to put a name on the empires for greater recognition as a power player

34 gamers voted for the proposal.
4 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

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