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Next document: | January 9, 2006 |
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Detailed Description:
I would like to submit a reform for the change profession option. I would like to see a 2 tier distinction of the current professional workforce. TIER 1 Low level workers Medium level workers High level workers Low level managers Medium level managers Teachers Nurses TIER 2 High level managers University teachers Doctors Senior doctors High tech engineers High tech seniors Here is my rationale on the matter. It pains me to see my TIER 2 true professionals with multiple academic degrees having to subject themselves to a base level if they should have to transfer out of a career. It would be advantageous to allow these TIER 2 professionals the option of a Management position and obvious the HLM can fulfill the MLM LLM role. Just a desire that I have and I think as the game continues to evolve itself this is one of the items that should be looked at amongst the developers.
20 gamers voted for the proposal.
4 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We will add this proposal to our wish list to be implemented.