Cargo Shuttles

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Cargo Shuttles

Cargo shuttles are the vehicle that is used to move products between countries and space stations. Cargo shuttles are very large and can transport up to 100.000 cargo units each time they launch. Their capacity is slightly larger (101.000 cargo units) to allow for some SC maintenance units to be loaded without a reduction of the capacity to move products.

Each product in Simcountry has a number of space units attached to it. Most food and agricultural products use 0.05 or 0.1 space unit per ton.

Larger products including weapons, ammunition and industrial products use 10 to 1000 units per product, some are even much larger.

Cargo shuttles launch from space centers and their destination can be either one of the space stations or a space center in a country anywhere in one of the worlds. Their destination can also include remote depots owned by the country anywhere but transports to remote depots are limited to mobile units, weapons, ammunition and military supplies.

The production of cargo shuttles is reserved to countries playing game level 6 or higher. The corporations that produce cargo shuttles are the biggest in the game.
Cargo shuttles are only traded on the direct market, and they are offered on the market for a price quoted in gold coins.

Cargo shuttles are assembled by use of several space industry products:
Shuttle fuselage
Shuttle Extensions
Shuttle Engines
Shuttle Boosters
Shuttle components and several other industrial products.

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