What does W3Creative do with the information it collects?

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What does W3Creative do with the information it collects?

W3Creative is using the information concerning its users, primarily in order to understand their needs and improve its services to the users. It also uses the data to run statistical procedures that might have a value to its users.

Advertisers who may show their ads on our site will never get any personal information concerning our users unless the users themselves provide the information to the advertisers on websites other then Simcountry.com. Simcountry.com will never allow any pages that will allow for user data to be provided to any advertiser. Currently the site does not allow any advertisers but may do so in the future.

However, W3Creative might cooperates with the advertisers in targeting specific groups of our users. The advertiser may request W3Creative to show the ads to a specific group of users and W3Creative is using the available data to target the requested group. The advertiser does not receive any data about individual users.

Individual accounts can only be targeted by W3Creative that will use this capability in a very limited manner.

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