Mobile Attack Units ? Not available yet

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Mobile Attack Units ? Not available yet

Mobile attack units have the size of a brigade and include only attack weapons. The fighting quality of the unit can reach a level of 600. Weapon quality can reach the same levels. The total size of the unit is 400 weapons. The unit is manned by 4660 military personnel including 3470 professional soldiers and 1190 professional officers. These numbers will decline.

Mobile attack units carry more supplies than standard units and can be supplied by any supply units. The units are supplied with standard weapons and ammunition in the same way other units are being supplied.

Lost soldiers and officers who have died in fighting must be replaced by professional soldiers and officers. If these are not available, the units will not be resupplied, in the same way that units cannot be resupplied if the country does not have the required weapons, ammunition and other supplies that are needed for the unit.
Mobile attack units can be loaded onto cargo shuttles. An entire unit can be loaded on a cargo shuttle and it can be moved either to a space center in a different country where the cargo shuttle can land or to the Crucis space station where it can be stored in a cargo bay that can store up to ten such units.

Mobile attack units include the following weapons:

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