The Defence of countries during War

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The Defence of countries during War

We have made several changes to support the defence of countries in war.

The defence of a target during an attack, was until now supported by a garrison if available at the target, by a defensive air wing if available, and by up to two defence wings owned by federation members if these wings were available and within range. A mobile defence unit, if within a range of 20 from the attacked target, also participated in the defence. We have now increased the number of mobile units that can participate in the defence to two units and the range of such mobile units is increased to 40.

Mobile units that are located in various positions in the country now probably cover multiple targets and their chance of participating is larger than before.

The change is not very significant but can help the defence.

Our intention is to add one non mobile unit to the defence of a target if the range is less than 20. This change will be made within several weeks.

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