Population Birth Rates

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Population Birth Rates

We had a long period of corrections to the population distribution among age groups in the past months. These changes are completed. We are now looking at the birth rates and are making small corrections to prevent “overheating” and wild growth.

The corrected population model will support population growth at higher levels than before. Currently, growth continues at very high levels and it will be tempered a bit.

We expect population levels to stabilize at about 100M. (a year ago the level was about 60M). Population will increase under that level and may stabilize, or decline at higher levels. Experience will show if this is correct. We cannot predict and will have to wait and see.

Birth percentages in Simcountry, depend on the number of children in the 0-4 year old group. Percentages decline as the numbers in that group increase.

Birth numbers however, depend on the number of people in the age groups between 18-21 and 35-40 years old.

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