Moving Corporations: Preannouncement

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Moving Corporations: Preannouncement

Moving corporations out of a country requires the owner of the corporation to pay the president a compensation for the damage to the country.

In some cases however, the corporation should be able to move out at no cost if the conditions in the country are unacceptable.

If taxes are higher than 40% the corporation will be able to move out of the country without paying any compensation to the president. Also, if there are worker shortages in any of the categories for workers in the country, moving the corporation out will be free. For this condition to be applied, the corporation must also show that salaries are at least at the government salary levels and that production in the corporation is limited because of a shortage of manpower. If these conditions occur the payment of compensation will be eliminated and corporations will be able to move out of the country without any payment of compensation.

This change will be implemented within the next two weeks.

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