Financial Services and gold coins
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Financial Services and gold coins
Many countries and enterprises in simcountry still have very high levels of cash and as a result, they are paying for financial services. With maximum levels of cash declining even much further, these players will pay even more of their cash as financial services. Although levels are much lower now, some are reluctant to exchange.
We are determined to rid the game from these levels of cash that date from long time ago when amounts used in Simcountry were much larger.
It is now very easy to exchange the money into gold coins and then use gold coins when cash is needed. We have reduced the exchange rate from 2 to 4T per gold coin to 470 B per gold coin and made it very attractive to exchange.
There are now many offers to exchange your cash. On request of many players, gamemaster is also offering gold coins for cash and there are currently more offers of gold coins than cash being exchanged.
The problem will be solved in the coming months with all excessive cash exchanged into gold coins or largely reduced in financial services payments.
When cash levels are normalized, gamemaster will withdraw from the cash market.
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