Trading products in Simcountry

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Trading products in Simcountry

Trading in products is an essential feature in the game. There are up to 200.000 corporations in each world and all of them are large, employing 200.000 to 300.000 workers and producing significant quantities of products.

Most of the products are offered on the market and are bought by any countries and corporations. Countries need products for the consumption of their citizens and for government functions. Corporations use many products in their production process.

Weapons and ammunition are also traded on the markets where all prices are determined by supply and demand. Nuclear weapons are not traded on the market. Uranium and Plutonium that are used in the production of nuclear weapons are also excluded from free trading. These products must be traded in direct contracts with the producers.

Maintaining the countries and corporations supplied with everything they need is essential for success in the game. There are many products on short supply and some buyers end up with shortages in their countries and corporations and with damage to their economies. Some products remain unsold and the producers remain with no revenue.

Countries and corporations can also trade within their local and common markets. The products that are traded in this way are excluded from the general market as they are delivered on long term contracts with agreed prices. The largest portion of products however, is traded on the general market.

Table of Contents:

1. The World market
2. What is the world production capacity?
3. Factory Utilization
4. High Utilization Numbers
5. Automatic orders
6. Contract delivery of products and weapons
7. Canceling all contracts is free of penalty
8. Product pricing
9. Contracts and pricing
10. Trading Strategies - follow the market
11. Shortages and Oversupply on the world markets
12. Pricing procedures
13. World Specific Products
14. Description of some of the products in Simcountry
15. Ammunition Components
16. Ammunition Quality Upgrades (AQU)
17. Car Engines
18. Factory Maintenance Units
19. Nuclear Power
20. Plutonium
21. Selenium
22. Solid Missile Fuel
23. Weapon Grade Components
24. Uranium
25. Weapons Quality Upgrades (WQU)
26. Space products
27. Space industry products trade exclusively on Space stations
28. Precision Bombers
29. Precision Bombs
30. Military Products
31. Cruise Missile Batteries
32. Cruise Missiles
33. Sea based Cruise Missiles
34. Nuclear Missiles Corporations
35. Nuclear Submarine Missiles
36. Strategic Bombers

Simcountry Introduction