3. Destroy all the fortifications. Reduce the enemy's war index to about 50.

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3. Destroy all the fortifications. Reduce the enemy's war index to about 50.

  • You will now attack military installations and destroy them.
  • With air defense gone. This will be easier.
  • Click again on "Select A Target from the List"
  • Click on Fortifications. You see a list of 10 fortifications. You need to destroy all of them.
  • Click on "Plan attack" next to the first fortification. The attack screen is showing. Select one of the TWO "Air Force Attack and Bombing" wings. They have 500 airplanes each.
  • Click "Attack" next to the unit.
  • Click on the right most arrow to select all Attack Helicopters, The same for All Precision Bombers and also all Attack Drones. Do not select the Fighter planes. They have no effect on Fortifications. Three of the four groups must be red now.
  • Click on "Attack Target". You get an attack report. The Fortification must be severely damaged. If not destroyed, attack again.
  • Click "Attack Again" then
  • Click on "Attack Target". Check the attack report, the fortification is destroyed.
  • Click on "Abort Attack" and watch the map. The fortification is burning.
  • You have destroyed the first fortification.
  • You can select the next fortification from the list, or click on a fortification on the map.
  • Click on a fortification on the map. It shows as a green fortified position (Castel).
  • The attack screen shows. Select the same Air force unit, select all weapons to attack. (3 of the four weapons. Do not select the fighter planes).
  • Click "Attack Target". You see the attack report and again, severe damage but not completely destroyed.
  • Click "Attack Again" to Attack the target again. The target is probably destroyed.
  • Click "Abort attack". That fortification is also burning.
  • Check the left part of the screen. It shows your country and the war index is 100. It shows the enemy country. The war index is lower than 90. Each destroyed fortification will reduce the index by 5 points.
  • Click on the third fortification. And select the same attack and bombing wing to attack.
  • Click "Attack". Before you select the weapons to attack, look at the ammunition (last) column. It shows the numbers of missiles and bombs that are available. If all are used, the weapon becomes unusable until new ammunition is delivered by one of your supply units.
  • Prepare the next attack by selecting the weapons.
  • Attack the fortification, twice and destroy it.
  • Select the next fortification in the same way, and the next.
  • Destroy all the fortifications.
  • Check the war index of your enemy. When all 10 fortifications are destroyed, it should be reduced under 50.
  • This is your first war. You will win if the index goes under 25!
  • It is possible that some of the fortifications cannot be found on the map. Go back to the list and click on "Plan Attack" on each line until you find all of the fortifications and destroy them.
  • Check your ammunition. If it turns low, select the second "Attack and Bombing unit" you have.
  • You are very far now. The war index of your enemy is lower than 50 already.
Simcountry Introduction