The Voting System

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The Voting System

All full members of Simcountry can participate in the in game voting system. Players can make suggestions for game improvement and put them to a vote by all full members.

The voting period is 7 days and any subject will stay on the list for three weeks. Any full player can put an issue for voting and as long as that issue is on the list, it is impossible for the same player to start another. There is now a possibility to view voting subjects and decide to vote Yes, No, or not to vote at all.

W3creative will check the results of voting and react on suggestions on the Forum. We will also receive all the results by email when the voting period is concluded.

We reserve the right to remove any issue if it is not relevant or counterproductive or contains bad language or any other reason that may make it unfit in our judgment. Please use it correctly to the benefit of all our players.

The voting system is readable for everyone.

Simcountry Introduction