online games, multiplayer games
Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country.
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What is Simcountry?
Beginners Info
What is Simcountry?

10 Game levels and Corresponding Awards

Entry level: Level1

Reaching level 2: 100 Gold coins award.
Reaching level 3: 100 Gold coins award.
Reaching level 4: 100 Gold coins award.
Reaching level 5: 200 Gold coins award.
Reaching level 6: 300 Gold coins award.
Reaching level 7: 300 Gold coins award plus 10 Gold Coins per (real) month.
Reaching level 8: 300 Gold coins award plus 20 Gold Coins per (real) month.
Reaching level 9: 300 Gold coins award plus 50 Gold Coins per (real) month.
Reaching level 10: 300 Gold coins award plus 100 Gold Coins per (real) month.

Each award is granted when you reach the new game level for the first time. Moving up and down the levels will not deliver more game level awards. Only moving to a level you have never reached before will be awarded.

Simcountry Introduction