When does the trading take place?
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When does the trading take place?
Trading takes place most of the time. There are three main processing sessions each day and they run several hours. During these runs, every product in the world is traded 4 to 5 times. The trading of a product takes everything that have been offered or requested at that time and try to match them into transactions. In addition, users can place immediate orders and these are traded directly if products are available. If no product is available, these requests are executed at the start of the following trade run.
It is impossible to predict when the products you offer or request will be traded. When you look at your outstanding orders, you will see that the queue of waiting orders becomes shorter in time and most times disappears within an hour or two. It depends on the market conditions, prices requested and offered and possible shortages of products.
When an order is executed, clearing is immediate. The product is delivered and paid at the time of the transaction.
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