I increased education priorities for senior doctors and the numbers remain low. Why?

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I increased education priorities for senior doctors and the numbers remain low. Why?

Increasing the priorities changes the way the education system works. For any senior doctors to come out of the education system, the education system must function at a certain level. If the education system of the country is not working because of lack of schools and universities or is at a low level, increasing the priority for some professions, will do very little.

If the number of graduating senior doctors used to be 100 a month and you increased the priority 4 fold, the number will eventually rise to 400. This will take some time. But if you increase the quality and size of your education system, the number of graduates, even with a lower priority may increase to 500 or more. The education index is a very important factor. You must try to increase it up to 90 or even to 150 so that even lower priorities will produce large numbers of professionals. This means that boosting the education system by educating many teachers and university teachers, and consequently building schools and universities is crucial.

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