Playing the Enterprise game - starting conditions
Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country. |
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Playing the Enterprise game - starting conditions
A starting CEO has no corporations, no cash and no debt. A new CEO can immediately start bidding for existing corporations in countries that do not have a president and she can also start building new corporations in such countries.
New CEOs cannot setup corporations in countries with presidents because of possible misuse by some players who initiated new enterprises only to be able to buy corporations from countries of their adversaries. Such corporations where closed in many cases, only to cause damage to these countries.
A new CEO does not need to worry about the money needed when starting new corporations or bidding for existing ones. If he is in need of cash, loans will be provided automatically. In the first period, the CEO will also receive some free bonuses, some of which are game money.
It is impossible to play a CEO without debt. Build many corporations quickly and upgrade them to make them highly profitable. The profits you will make in these corporations will easily pay for the interest on the loans and also make it possible to pay the loans back.
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