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bullet Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country.
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Simcountry terminologie en veel gebruikte woorden in het Nederlans

The most often used terms in simcountry are explained here. If you can't find what you are looking for, please contact The Gamemaster. This list is maintained daily.

Werkgelegenheids Index De index is een maatstaf voor de werkgelegenheid in het land. Het is dichterbij de 100 als de werkgelegenheid goed is. Rond de 90 tot 95 is heel goed. Hogere werkgelegenheids niveau's zijn moeilijk te berijken maar wel mogelijk. Als het land veel bedrijven heeft en het onderwijs systeem goed is afgesteld voor de nodige vakmensen. De werkgelegenheid is een belangrijke index die zwaar telt op de lands score. Als de werkgelegenheid goed is, dan is er een grote kans dat andere indexen ook sterk zijn. Hoge werkeloosheid zal de sociale zekerheids kosten omhoog drijven. Het betekent dat de economie niet optimaal draait en dat inkomsten van bedrijven ook laag kan zijn.
Werkgelegenheids niveau vorige maand Dit laat zien hoeveel mensen er vorige maand werk hadden in het land. Het aantal groeit als bedrijven de productie vergroten en als het aantal bedrijven groeit. Het is ook hoger als er meer scholen, ziekenhuizen en andere staats activiteiten zijn. Het leger huurt veel soldaten en officiers van het niveau van laag niveau werkers en mid niveau managers. Een groot leger kan tussen een paar honderdduizend tot een paar miljoen mensen inhuren.
wgbestceos White Giant Best CEOs
wgbestpresidents White Giant Best Presidents
wginfo White Giant
Winst betaald door staatsbedrijven Dit is het bedrag dat de staatsbedrijven aan de overheid betaald. Dit bedrag komt bij de belasting die de bedrijven betalen. Staatsbedrijven betalen een deel van hun winst aan de overheid. Het percentage kan door de president ingesteld of veranderd worden.
Winst betalingen Bedrijven betalen hun eigenaar een deel van de winst die overblijft na belastingen. Dit is het bedrag dat alle bedrijven van de onderneming, aan de onderneming betalen als deel van de winst.
Winst of verlies  Dit is de winst of verlies (een negatief getal) die dit jaar tot nu toe is behaald. Het heeft een directe invloed op de hoeveelheid geld beschikbaar. Winst zorgt voor een toename, verlies een afname. Het be�nvloedt ook het financi�le indexcijfer dat belangrijk is bij de score van het land.
Winst per aandeel in een recente periode Dit is de winst die het bedrijf heeft gemaakt in de recente periode, gedeeld door het aantal aandelen van het bedrijf. Het is een maatstaf van de winstgevendheid van het bedrijf. Hoe meer winst per aandeel, hoe beter het bedrijf het doet. Hogere winst per aandeel zal de Prijs/Verdiensten ratio omlaag brengen. De P/V ratio is de prijs van een aandeel gedeeld door de winst per aandeel, wat beter is als maatstaf voor het succes van een bedrij en zijn marktwaarde. Hoge verdiensten per aandeel zullen leiden tot een lagere P/V ratio (hoe lager hoe beter). De recente periode is langer dan 12 game maanden en hangt ook af van het aantal maanden per dag op ieder van de werlden.
withdrawcoins Payments
WLP_1_0_1 Kebir Blue
WLP_1_0_2 Kebir Blue
WLP_1_0_3 strategy game,virtual worlds,simulation games, free games
WLP_1_0_4 Simcountry is a Virtual Worlds Strategy Game & a Massive Online Free Membership Simulation Game. Simcountry is a MMORPG with a war game and a peaceful game.
WLP_1_0_5c Best CEOs
WLP_1_0_5p Best Presidents
WLP_1_0_6c Best CEOs on Kebir Blue
WLP_1_0_6p Best Presidents on Kebir Blue
WLP_1_0_7 Kebir Blue
WLP_1_1_1 Simcountry is an online strategy game where you are the president of a country or the leader of an empire. Simcountry is one of the popular free games.
WLP_1_2_1 Simcountry has 5 virtual worlds with 23.000 countries. It is both a strategy war game and a financial strategy game. Players can decide to also join the war game.
WLP_1_2_2 You can participate in the Simcountry community, in discussions and propose and vote for new features.
WLP_1_3_1 Kebir Blue, runs six game months per 24 hours. This means that every day is six months in the game. Kebir Blue was the first world we have started. It has 3061 countries and is the smallest of the five worlds.
WLP_2_0_1 Fearless Blue
WLP_2_0_2 Fearless Blue
WLP_2_0_3 strategy game,virtual worlds,simulation games, free games
WLP_2_0_4 Simcountry is a Virtual Worlds Strategy Game & a Massive Online Free Membership Simulation Game. Simcountry is a MMORPG with a war game and a peaceful game.
WLP_2_0_5c Best CEOs
WLP_2_0_5p Best Presidents
WLP_2_0_6c Best CEOs on Fearless Blue
WLP_2_0_6p Best Presidents on Fearless Blue
WLP_2_0_7 Fearless Blue
WLP_2_1_1 Simcountry is an online strategy game where you are the president of a country or the leader of an empire. Simcountry is one of the popular free games.
WLP_2_2_1 Simcountry has 5 virtual worlds with 23.000 countries. It is both a strategy war game and a financial strategy game. Players can decide to also join the war game.
WLP_2_2_2 You can participate in the Simcountry community, in discussions and propose and vote for new features.
WLP_2_3_1 Fearless Blue was the second world we have started. It is larger than Kebir Blue with 6159 countries. It also runs six game months each day.
WLP_2_3_2 The Fearless Blue world is a war world. Beginners are left alone but once they reach war level 3, they are exposed to a higher risk of war and must build a large army.
WLP_2_3_3 Peaceful playing is not an option in Fearless Blue but temporary war protection is available.
WLP_3_0_1 White Giant
WLP_3_0_2 White Giant
WLP_3_0_3 strategy game,virtual worlds,simulation games, free games
WLP_3_0_4 Simcountry is a Virtual Worlds Strategy Game & a Massive Online Free Membership Simulation Game. Simcountry is a MMORPG with a war game and a peaceful game.
WLP_3_0_5c Best CEOs
WLP_3_0_5p Best Presidents
WLP_3_0_6c Best CEOs on White Giant
WLP_3_0_6p Best Presidents on White Giant
WLP_3_0_7 White Giant
WLP_3_1_1 Simcountry is an online strategy game where you are the president of a country or the leader of an empire. Simcountry is one of the popular free games.
WLP_3_2_1 Simcountry has 5 virtual worlds with 23.000 countries. It is both a strategy war game and a financial strategy game. Players can decide to also join the war game.
WLP_3_2_2 You can participate in the Simcountry community, in discussions and propose and vote for new features.
WLP_3_3_1 White Giant is similar to Kebir Blue and it also runs six game months each day. With 6376 countries it is even larger than Fearless Blue.
WLP_3_3_2 White Giant is the busiest of the five worlds with most registered countries and the largest number of logins per day.
WLP_4_0_1 Golden Rainbow
WLP_4_0_2 Golden Rainbow
WLP_4_0_3 strategy game,virtual worlds,simulation games, free games
WLP_4_0_4 Simcountry is a Virtual Worlds Strategy Game & a Massive Online Free Membership Simulation Game. Simcountry is a MMORPG with a war game and a peaceful game.
WLP_4_0_5c Best CEOs
WLP_4_0_5p Best Presidents
WLP_4_0_6c Best CEOs on Golden Rainbow Blue
WLP_4_0_6p Best Presidents on Golden Rainbow Blue
WLP_4_0_7 Golden Rainbow
WLP_4_1_1 Simcountry is an online strategy game where you are the president of a country or the leader of an empire. Simcountry is one of the popular free games.
WLP_4_2_1 Simcountry has 5 virtual worlds with 23.000 countries. It is both a strategy war game and a financial strategy game. Players can decide to also join the war game.
WLP_4_2_2 You can participate in the Simcountry community, in discussions and propose and vote for new features.
WLP_4_3_1 Golden Rainbow is created as a generally friendly world where the economy is important. War remains part of the game but peaceful playing is an option.
WLP_4_3_2 Golden Rainbow runs six game months per 24 hours. There are 4804 countries in the world and it is smaller than Fearless Blue and While Giant.
WLP_5_0_1 Little Upsilon
WLP_5_0_2 Little Upsilon
WLP_5_0_3 strategy game,virtual worlds,simulation games, free games
WLP_5_0_4 Simcountry is a Virtual Worlds Strategy Game & a Massive Online Free Membership Simulation Game. Simcountry is a MMORPG with a war game and a peaceful game.
WLP_5_0_5c Best CEOs
WLP_5_0_5p Best Presidents
WLP_5_0_6c Best CEOs on Little Upsilon
WLP_5_0_6p Best Presidents on Little Upsilon
WLP_5_0_7 Little Upsilon
WLP_5_1_1 Simcountry is an online strategy game where you are the president of a country or the leader of an empire. Simcountry is one of the popular free games.
WLP_5_2_1 Simcountry has 5 virtual worlds with 23.000 countries. It is both a strategy war game and a financial strategy game. Players can decide to also join the war game.
WLP_5_2_2 You can participate in the Simcountry community, in discussions and propose and vote for new features.
WLP_5_3_1 Little Upsilon is very similar to Kebir Blue but has 3467 countries.
WLP_5_3_2 Running six game months per day, Little Upsilon runs at the same pace as the other worlds. It is the youngest of them all. Little Upsilon was started in February 2007. In the mean time, it is very busy.
WLP_6_0_1 Little Omicron
WLP_6_0_2 Little Omicron
WLP_6_0_3 strategy game,virtual worlds,simulation games, free games
WLP_6_0_4 Simcountry is a Virtual Worlds Strategy Game & a Massive Online Free Membership Simulation Game. Simcountry is a MMORPG with a war game and a peaceful game.
WLP_6_0_5c Best CEOs
WLP_6_0_5p Best Presidents
WLP_6_0_6c Best CEOs on Little Omicron
WLP_6_0_6p Best Presidents on Little Omicron
WLP_6_0_7 Little Omicron
WLP_6_1_1 Simcountry is an online strategy game where you are the president of a country or the leader of an empire. Simcountry is one of the popular free games.
WLP_6_2_1 Simcountry has 5 virtual worlds with 23.000 countries. It is both a strategy war game and a financial strategy game. Players can decide to also join the war game.
WLP_6_2_2 You can participate in the Simcountry community, in discussions and propose and vote for new features.
WLP_6_3_1 Little Ommicron is very similar to Kebir Blue but has 3467 countries. The main difference between Little Ommicron and all other worlds is in the pace of the simulation.
WLP_6_3_2 Running six game months per day, Little Ommicron is much faster than the other worlds. It is also the youngest of them all. Little Upsilon was started in February 2007. In the mean time, it is very busy and popular, mainly because of its fast pace.
wnewspaper International News
Workers Added Momenteel nog geen beschrijving
Workers Available for Resource This is the number of workers in the country who are employed but will be used to create the relief resources. The creation of relief resources is considered high priority and the process will use whatever is needed.
worldAwards Awards
worldList Worlds
wtbestwarlords Tournament: Best Warlords
xmlWarDeclaredContent War will start @startsWhen@
xmlWarDeclaredTitle @attackerName@ declared war on @attackedName@
xmlWarEmEndedContent @attackedName@ and @attackerName@ are joined in one empire
xmlWarEmEndedTitle Peace exists between @attackerName@ and @attackedName@
xmlWarEnEndedContent A new government was approved which ended all hostilities
xmlWarEnEndedTitle The war between @attackerName@ and @attackedName@ has ended
xmlWarExEndedContent The were no hostilities for more than @months@ months
xmlWarExEndedTitle The war between @attackerName@ and @attackedName@ has ended
xmlWarIeEndedContent The Presidents ended the war by signing a Peace Treaty
xmlWarIeEndedTitle The war between @attackerName@ and @attackedName@ has ended
xmlWarScEndedContent The Security Council on @worldName@ accepted the Resolution. Peace between @attackedName@ and @attackerName@ has been enfored
xmlWarScEndedTitle Peace has been enfored between @attackerName@ and @attackedName@
xmlWarStartedContent The war between has @attackerName@ and @attackedName@ started
xmlWarStartedTitle War between @attackerName@ and @attackedName@
xmlWarVictoryContent After the attack, the president of @attackedName@ is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by @attackerName@ has been nominated
xmlWarVictoryTitle @attackerName@ army takes full control in @attackedName@

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