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Simcountry terminologie en veel gebruikte woorden in het Nederlans

The most often used terms in simcountry are explained here. If you can't find what you are looking for, please contact The Gamemaster. This list is maintained daily.

scMemberAddedSummary @scMemberFirstName@ @scMemberLastName@ has been elected as member of the Security Council.
scMemberAddedTitle New Security Council Member
scMemberEvictMail Dear @scMemberFirstName@ @scMemberLastName@, You are a member of the Security Council on @scWorldName@. As a member of the council you are required to Sign-In on @scWorldName@ reguraly. It has been more than @scLoginDays@ days since your last login. Please login into your empire on @scWorldName@ before you are evicted from the Security Council. Kind regards, The Gamemaster.
scnews Simcountry Game News
Score Dit getal laat zien hoe goed je het doet. Het is berekend met alle indexen in het spel. Het is een totale index van je prestaties. De persoon met de hoogste score krijgt de eerste plaats. Dit betekent dat de score je stand in het spel bepaalt. Probeer sommige indexen te verhogen en je score zal veel hoger worden, daarbij zal ook je plaats in de ranglijst verbeteren. De score is niet de som van alle indexen, het is een veel complexere functie die sommige indexen zwaarder weegt dan anderen.
screenshots Simcountry Screenshots
scResolutionAddedMail Dear @scMemberFirstName@ @scMemberLastName@, @scCreatorFirstName@ @scCreatorLastName@ created a proposal for a new Security Council Resolution. As a member of the @scWorldName@ council you are asked to bring a vote. Please use your wisdom to make @scWorldName@ a better world. This message was intended for @thisRecipient@. To unsubscribe click:
scResolutionAddedMessage Dear @scMemberFirstName@ @scMemberLastName@,

@scCreatorFirstName@ @scCreatorLastName@ created a proposal for a new Security Council Resolution.
As a member of the council you are asked to bring a vote.
Please use your wisdom to make this a better world.
SCtopicDEVELOPMENT_AID The Security Council has decided on a new resolution. General Voting has now started on the following resolution:

Give @scDevAid@ Trillion untied development aid to @scURL1@.

Please submit your vote on the Security Council page
SCtopicNUCLEAR_ATTACKS The Security Council has decided on a new resolution. General Voting has now started on the following resolution:

Nuclear Attacks forbidden for @scURL1@.

Please submit your vote on the Security Council page
SCtopicNUCLEAR_FACILITIES The Security Council has decided on a new resolution. General Voting has now started on the following resolution:

No nuclear facilities for @scURL1@.

Please submit your vote on the Security Council page
SCtopicNUCLEAR_WEAPONS The Security Council has decided on a new resolution. General Voting has now started on the following resolution:

No nuclear weapons for @scURL1@.

Please submit your vote on the Security Council page
SCtopicNUKES_MORATORIUM The Security Council has decided on a new resolution. General Voting has now started on the following resolution:

Moratorium on use of Nukes for @scURL1@.

Please submit your vote on the Security Council page
SCtopicPEACE_TREATY The Security Council has decided on a new resolution. General Voting has now started on the following resolution:

Peace treaty enforced between @scURL1@ and @scURL2@.

Please submit your vote on the Security Council page
SectionsHeader Inhoud
Secured Mode This mode turns war capabilities on/off for your country. Being in secured mode means that no country can attack you or let you attack them. You can however build up your army when in secured mode and you can attack and conquer countries that do not have a president..
Sell Directly Momenteel nog geen beschrijving
Sell Strategies Sell strategies are needed for corporations to sell their products on the market. Corporations are interested in the highest possible price for their products but they also want to be sure that the products are sold. They can make a choice of one of the available sell strategies and make a tradeoff between price and the chance of selling. One sell strategy is to offer the products at market price less a percentage or if products are in short supply, ask for several percents above market price or use a strategy that asks for a fixed price. Another strategy trails the product quality by several percentage points which keeps the products competitive but also makes use the advantage of higher price for higher quality products.
Sellable Cargo Shuttles No description available yet
Selling Best Price This option will make all product offers put on the international market at market price. It means that the price is flexible and the chance to sell the product is quite good. Products will not always sell if the market has a large surplus of the product offered. When a product is sold for market price, the real price you receive will be that market price multiplied by the quality of the product you offered. If the product quality is 140, the selling price will be 1.4 times the market price.
Selling Following Product Quality Lower This is the change percentage per game month in case the products remain unsold. If you fill in 5, the price will be decreased by 5% each game month. A negative number will cause the price to increase which does not make much sense when products remain unsold.
Selling Following Product Quality Lower AC This is the change percentage per game month in case the products remain unsold. If you fill in 5, the price will be decreased by 5% each game month. A negative number will cause the price to increase which does not make much sense when products remain unsold. This setting will apply to corporations.
Selling Following Product Quality Start AC This is the trailing percentage for the products offering. Example: If the product quality is 150, and you fill in -10, the offer price will be 140 and it will follow the quality changes. This setting will apply to all corporations.
Selling on Common Market Contracts This is the quantity that is selling on the Common Market. These contracts are between corporations in the country, selling products they produce, to the common market, through contracts.
Selling on International Contracts This is the quantity of products selling through contracts with other countries that are not part of the local or the common market. These contracts are between corporations in the country, selling products they produce, to any other country or corporation.
Selling on Local Market Contracts This is the quantity that is selling on the Local Market. These contracts are between corporations in the country, selling products they produce, to the local market, through contracts.
Selling Time Based This sale strategy sets the initial price you want to receive as market price plus or less a percentage you choose and the price will be changed by another percentage you choose, each month it remains unsold. Example: you can put the products for sale at market price less 2 percent and reduce the price by another 3% each month the products remain unsold. The price will be at market less 5% after one month and market less 8% after two months. The chance to sell the products will increase because they become cheaper each month. The real price you receive if the products are sold, depends as always also on the quality of the products.
Selling Time Based Following Product Quality AC This sale strategy is designed to follow the product quality. Corporations can upgrade their production process and their products become better. Their quality is higher and they can fetch a better price on the market. This mean that you will need to increase the requested price from time to time to follow the quality or otherwise your price remains low while the products quality is increasing. Using this sale strategy, you can have you offering price follow the product quality. You can also decide to trail the product quality by a certain percentage. Example: you can decide to put your price at 10 points lower than the quality. If the product quality is 150, you will offer the products at 140. If product quality goes up to 155, you price will automatically go up to 145. This setting will apply to all corporations.
Selling Time Based Lower This is the change percentage you can choose to change the price each game month if the products remain unsold. If you fill in 5, the price will be reduced by 5% each game month. If you fill in -5, the price will increase by 5% each game month. This will not make much sense because if the products are not selling, it does not make much sense to increase their price.
Selling Time Based Start This is the initial price setting when you use the time based pricing. You can set the initial price higher or lower than the market price. If you fill in 5, the initial price will be market price plus 5%. If you fill in -4, the initial price will be market price less 4%.
SELwhatCONTINUED More details will be reported later
SELwhatDIEDIMMEDIATE @strip(format(selAmount,'nnnnnnnnnN'))@ @choose(selAmount==1,'person','people')@ died immediately
SELwhatEVACUATED @strip(format(selAmount,'nnnnnnnnnN'))@ @choose(selAmount==1,'person','persons')@ had to be evacuated
SELwhatEVACUEESDIED @strip(format(selAmount,'nnnnnnnnnN'))@ @choose(selAmount==1,'evacuee','evacuees')@ died
SELwhatEVACUEESRETURNEDHOME @strip(format(selAmount,'nnnnnnnnnN'))@ @choose(selAmount==1,'evacuee','evacuees')@ returned home
SELwhatLOSTFACTORIES @strip(format(selAmount,'nnnnnnnnnN'))@ @choose(selAmount==1,'factory was','factories were')@ destroyed
SELwhatLOSTHOMES @strip(format(selAmount,'nnnnnnnnnN'))@ @choose(selAmount==1,'home','homes')@ were lost
SELwhatWOUNDEDDIED @strip(format(selAmount,'nnnnnnnnnN'))@ wounded died
SELwhatWOUNDEDHEALED @strip(format(selAmount,'nnnnnnnnnN'))@ @choose(selAmount==1,'wounded','wounded')@ recovered
SELwhatWOUNDEDIMMEDIATE @strip(format(selAmount,'nnnnnnnnnN'))@ @choose(selAmount==1,'person was','people were')@ wounded
SELwhySHORTAGE because there was a shortage of
Senior Doctor Education Priority This is the education priority for Senior Doctors. A number between 2 and 10 will be sufficient in most cases. If you experience shortages or if you want to improve the health system quickly, priorities can be increased for some time but never forget to reduce them or you may end up with large numbers of unemployed senior doctors.
Set Quality With this option, you can set the quality you want for products purchased by t he government. 100 is considered the base quality.
Share Value Other Public Corporations This is the total value of all the shares own by the country in corporations that are publicly owned but where the state has a minority share holdong.
These corporations list on the corporations page as Enterprise Controlled Public Corprations.
Share Value State Controlled Public Corporations This is the total value of all the shares own by the country in corporations that are publicly owned but where the state has a majority.
These corporations list on the corporations page as State Controlled Public Corprations.
ShareHeader Aandelen
ShareLink De Aandelen Markt
sharemarket Documentation - Share Market
Shares you own This is the number oif shares you own in this corporation. If the number is the same as the total number, than you own all of it and the corporations is your only. All corporations, except for public corporations, have only one share holder.
sharesBought @shareOwner@ heeft @shareAmount@ aandelen van @shareCorpName@ in @shareCorpCountry@ gekocht voor @sharePrice@ $E per aandeel
sharesRetract @shareCorpName@ in @shareCorpCountry@ heeft @shareAmount@ aandelen voor @sharePrice@ $E per aandeel teruggetrokken
sharesSold @shareOwner@ heeft @shareAmount@ aandelen van @shareCorpName@ in @shareCorpCountry@ verkocht voor @sharePrice@ $E per aandeel
Show Country Map This option can be used to show or hide the map on the country home page. The reason can be the reduction of the page size to make it load more quickly, specially if you use a dial up line.
showGiftCertificate Simcountry
showMenu Simcountry
Signed Contract This column describes the product that is sold by the corporation and the name of the country or other party that is buying the products.
signedupWConfirmText Continue
signedupWHead Congratulations
signedupWLine2 You are now President of @strip(miArg1)@ on @strip(miArg2)@.
signedupWLine3 If you don''t like this country, please feel free to
signedupWLine4 cancel it and select the country of your choice.
signedupWLine5 Use the ''Register'' menu to select a different country.
signoff Signoff
signoffRequest Signoff
signup0 Signup
signup1 Signup
signup2 Signup
signupQ Signup
signupQCancelText Change Email Address
signupQConfirmFunction dtConfirmedNewEmailAddress()
signupQConfirmText Continue
signupQHead Check Your Email Address
signupQLine4 You need your PASSWORD or you will NOT be able to play Simcountry.
signupQLine5 If you do not receive your PASSWORD, please check your spam filter.
signupRequest Signup
signupWHead Please Wait
signupWLine2 Please wait while we are selecting a country.
signupWLine4 You can always change the country to your own choice.
signupWorldRequest Signup
simawards Awards and Game Levels
simblogHead Simcountry Blog
simblogLine2 The Simcountry Blog is currently under construction.
simblogs Blogs
Simcountry101Header Simcountry 101
Simcountry101Link Simcountry 101
simintro Simcountry Intro
simstatistics Statistics
simvotes Vote For Simcountry
Single Country No description available yet
Site Maintenance Products Used These products are used to maintain the higher level of product quality in your corporation. Minimum used per year is 24 site maintainance products, this number increases when the product quality increases and can rise to several hundreds of those site maintainance products needed per year.
Situatie op de wereldmarkt Deze tabel laat de situatie op de wereld markt zien. Het laat alle producten zien die geproduceerd worden en de laatst betaalde prijs voor elk product. De tabel laat ook zien hoeveel er per product op de markt aangeboden en gevraagd wordt. Het verschil is het overschot (in groen) of in sommige gevallen het tekort (in rood). Het is belangrijk om deze tabel te bekijken en te begrijpen welke producten in grote hoeveelheden verkrijgbaar zijn en welke schaars zijn. Het is waarschijnlijk dat als er een tekort is, de prijzen omhoog gaan en omgekeerd. De situatie zal veranderen met de tijd omdat gebruikers die grote tekorten zien, nieuwe bedrijven zullen maken die die producten produceren.
Skip Corporation Contracts and offers for this cororation will remain unchanged
Skipping Consumption Contracts When setting up contracts for products the country needs, settings can vary from one product to another. This function allows you to skip this product and will not close any contracts for delivery of this product.
Skipping Corporation Materials Contracts This is part of the procedure of finding partners that can deliver raw materials. If you choose not to supply some of the corporations, you can use the skip button and that corporation will not close any additional contracts.
Social Security Target Percentage of Low Level Worker Salary This is the target you have set yourself for the social security payments as a percentage of low level workers salaries. The target can be 60 while the current level of social security payments is at 40%. The payments can be changed by a maximum of 3% per game month. If the current level is 40% and you set the target to 60%, it will take 7 game months for the social security payments to reach that level. The changes are automatic and no manual intervention is needed. If you decide to change the target percentage down again, monthly reductions of 3% will take place and the lower target will be reached within several game months.
Sociale zekerheid als een percentage van het salaris van een laag geschoolde arbeider. Dit is een maatstaaf voor de qualiteit van het sociale zekerheid systeem in het land. Het laat zien welk percentage van een laaggeschoolde arbeiders salaris wordt betaald aan de mensen die sociale zekerheid ontvangen. Mensen die sociale zekerheids betalingen ontvangen zijn of werkeloos, gepensioneerd, arbeidsongeschikt of ziek.
Sociale zekerheid uitkeringen Dit is de hoogte van een sociale zekerheid uitkering. Een uitkering is lager dan het minimumloon. Gepensioneerden ontvangen dit bedrag en daarbij een bijdrage van hun pensioenfonds. Arbeidsongeschikten en werklozen krijgen ook deze uitkering. De beroepsbevolking, met of zonder baan, ontvangt winst van investeringsfondsen waar zij deels eigenaar van zijn.
Sociale zekerheids budget Dit is het budget voor het sociale zekerheids systeem. Je moet proberen het budget goed in te stellen. Grote verschillen tussen het budget en de echt kosten zal resulteren in een lagere budget index en het zal ook andere indexen beschadigen. Een budget te hoog instellen is net zo erg als te laag.
Sociale zekerheids qualiteit index Deze index is een maatstaaf voor de qualiteit van de sociale zekerheids diensten in het land. Het is direct afhankelijk van het niveau van sociale zekerheids betalingen. Sociale zekerheids betalingen worden gezien als een percentage van het salaris van een laaggeschoolde arbeider in het land. Sociale zekerheids betalingen veranderen als het percentage wordt veranderd of als het salaris niveau wordt bijgesteld.
Source Momenteel nog geen beschrijving
space Documentation - Space Travel & Trading
SpaceTutorialHeader Space Introduction
SpaceTutorialLink Space Introduction
spcdetails Space Center
spclist Country Space Program
specialclinics Special Clinics
Spending Space No description available yet
Spending Space in Units This shows how many products of this type can be purchased if the entire available spending space would be spent to purchase this product.
spmdetails Space Market
spmlist1 Space Markets
spmlist2 Space Markets
spsdetails Cargo Shuttle
spslist Cargo Shuttles
st Simcountry Tutorial
Staat Staats bedrijven zijn eigendom van de staat. Ze betalen belasting aan de regering en ze betalen ook een percentage van hun winst aan de regering. Deze bedrijven kunnen gekocht worden door een onderneming, ze worden dan prive bedrijven. De regering kan niks aan zo'n overname doen, het kan alleen proberen het bedrijf heel succesvol te maken en de marktwaarde van het bedrijf te verhogen. Alleen nationale bedrijven zijn beschermd tegen een overname. Staats bedrijven kunnen aandelen uitgeven en zo openbare bedrijven worden.
Staatsbedrijven Veel bedrijven zijn eigendom van de overheid. Er zijn twee typen: Nationale bedrijven zijn eigendom vande staat en kunnen niet worden gekocht door anderen, omdat ze als van nationaal belang worden gezien. Staatsbedrijven zijn ook eigendom van de staat maar kunnen op de markt worden verkocht aan particuliere ondernemingen. Als president kun je de status van bedrijven wijzigen. Er zijn niet meer dan 24 nationale bedrijven.
startportaltour Introduction Tour
State Corporations State corporations are owned by the state. They pay taxes to the government and in addition, they pay a percentage of the remaining profit to the owner which is again, the government. These corporations may be bought by an enterprise and become private co
Status vredes verdrag De status van alle vredesverdragen zijn te zien op deze pagina. Vredesverdragen kunnen tussen twee landen worden opgesteld. Als een verdrag is gesloten voorkomt het dat beide landen elkaar aanvallen voor de duur van het verdrag. De status van het verdrag is of geaccepteerd of "Nog niet geaccepteerd". Het is ingesteld op geaccepteerd wanneer het land waarmee het verdrag wordt gesloten, het daadwerkelijk aanneemt.
stExit Simcountry Tutorial
stLoaded Simcountry Tutorial
strategisch leger Dit deel van het leger opereert de strategische wapens. Dit zijn voor het grootste deel kernwapens en raketten die veel schade kunnen verrichten en veel mensen doden. Over kernwapens moet niet lichtelijk gedacht worden. Ze kosten heel erg veel, levertijd is heel lang en hun vernietigende kracht kan verdwijnen als de verdediging heel goed is. Atoomwapens zullen exclusiever worden in het spel en zullen moeten lijden onder de besluiten van de veiligheidsraad. Ze zullen meer vernietiging en kern vervuiling produceren dat verder zal reiken dan het aangevallen land, dit kan agressie wekken bij buurlanden die aangetast worden door deze vervuiling
Strategisch leger index Dit is een maatstaf voor de qualiteit van je strategische leger. Het strategische leger bestaat voor het grootste deel uit atoomwapen en andere hele zware wapens. De kosten van deze wapens en de munitie ervoor zijn heel hoog. Veel van zulke wapens hebben en de onderhoudskosten ervan, kunnen een groot economisch probleem voorstellen. Strategische wapens inzetten betekent meestal dat je een atoomoorlog bent begonnen. Strategische niet-kern wapens en kruisraketten worden ook gezien als strategische wapens terwijl het geen kernwapens zijn.
Strategische aanvals consequenties Een atoomoorlog beginnen wordt beschouwd als een slechte keuze voor een land. Het kan onontkoombaar zijn onder sommige omstandigheden, bijvoorbeeld: als je land op het punt staat vernietigd te worden. Als je een atoomoorlog start zullen sommige spelers je mischien zien als een held, en sommige zullen je ontwijken. Denk er alsjeblieft twee keer over na voordat je een atoom aanval inzet en lees de documentatie, omdat deze aanvallen in veel gevallen niet succesvol zijn. Atoomwapens zijn heel erg duur en hebben een lange levertijd.
StrategyHeader Strategieen
StrategyLink Strategieen
stTicker Simcountry Tutorial
Studenten Dit is een groep jonge mensen tussen 18 en 24 jaar oud. Ze zijn verdeeld in eerste niveau studenten, 18 t/m 21 jaar en gediplomeerde studenten in de leeftijdsgroep van 21 t/m 24 jaar oud.
ST_1_10_1 Fortifications:

Use: Fortifications are essential in blocking enemy invasions. Place them around the country close to the borders.
ST_1_10_2 Types: There is one type of fortification. They can be strengthened wit garrison units.
ST_1_10_3 Function: A fortification is harder to destroy than any other target especially when protected by a high quality, large garrison.
ST_1_10_IMG stfortification.jpg
ST_1_11_1 Game Levels:

Everyone starts in game level 1. Reaching higher levels will earn you awards and respect.
ST_1_11_2 Check the Index link on the country page header. It shows all your indexes and it shows what you need to do to reach the next game level..
ST_1_11_3 Premium members receive 50 to 150 gold coins each time they move to a new game level they did not reach before.
ST_1_11_IMG stgamelevels.jpg
ST_1_12_1 War Levels

You start in war level 0. Winning wars against C3 countries (countries without a president) will increase your war level.
ST_1_12_2 As you move up the levels, you will win more game cash and sometimes also gold coins.
ST_1_12_3 In higher levels, wars become more complex. You will need a larger army and your enemy will also fight harder.
ST_1_12_IMG stwarlevels.jpg
ST_1_13_1 Now What?

The red button on your country page.
ST_1_13_2 This is a help system that will show you what should be done to move to the next game level.
ST_1_13_3 Check it frequently. It has been helpful to many players especially in the first period.
ST_1_13_IMG stnowwhat.jpg
ST_1_143_IMG stcntrmoney.jpg
ST_1_14_1 Money

You need to generate an income to develop your country or empire and pay the monthly cost of government and army.
ST_1_14_2 Income comes from taxes paid by working people and taxes paid by your corporations.
ST_1_14_3 The cost is for health, education, the army and other government functions. Check the finance pages for details.
ST_1_15_1 Health and Education

To start with, it is taken care of automatically for all new players.
ST_1_15_2 Both these functions are essential for your economy. You need educated and healthy population to produce high level products.
ST_1_15_3 Follow the Now what pages for instructions and improve your health and education indexes up to the level of 130.
ST_1_15_IMG steduhealth.jpg
ST_1_16_1 Products

The are many products in Simcountry. They include mining products, food, industrial products high tech and many weapons.
ST_1_16_2 Check the markets in the trade menu and make a choice of what you want to produce. Some products are gold mines.
ST_1_16_3 Some products may be in oversupply and their price will decline. Upgrade your corporations to optimize earning.
ST_1_16_IMG stproducts.jpg
ST_1_1_1 The Simcountry Worlds

Our Galaxy has 5 Worlds. One of the worlds, Fearless Blue, is a war world but war is optional.
ST_1_1_2 Most beginners keep it simple and play on a single world.
ST_1_1_3 Many experienced players have countries on 2, 3 or more worlds.
ST_1_1_IMG stworlds.jpg

Hoe speel ik Simcountry?