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Simcountry terminologie en veel gebruikte woorden in het Nederlans

The most often used terms in simcountry are explained here. If you can't find what you are looking for, please contact The Gamemaster. This list is maintained daily.

Corporation Welfare This is the welfare index of the corporation. It depends on the welfare index in the country where the corporation resides and on the salary level in the corporation.
corporations Documentation - Corporations
Corporations Welfare Index The corporation welfare index is a measure for the quality of jobs. It depends on the salary levels in the corporation and it also depends on the welfare index in the country. This adds dependency of reasonable conditions in the country, including health, education, social security, transportation etc. the higher the corporate welfare index, the more the corporation can produce. It can increase to 150% of the standard production levels in average corporations.
CorporationsHeader Bedrijven
CorporationsLink Bedrijven
Cost of building Hospitals This is the cost that was paid year to date for the building of new hospitals. The cost is a one time expense and is not part of the monthly cost. The cost of maintaining the hospitals, operations cost etc. is part of the regular monthly cost and it will increase as result of the purchasing of new hospitals.
Cost of building Roads and Train Tracks This is the cost that was paid year to date for the building of new roads and train tracks. The cost is a one time expense and is not part of the monthly cost. The cost of maintaining the roads and train tracks, the monthly operations cost etc. is part of the regular monthly cost and it will increase as result of the purchasing of new roads and train tracks. It falls into the cost of transportation.
Cost of building Schools and Universities This is the cost that was paid year to date for the building of new schools, high schools and universities. The cost is a one time expense and is not part of the monthly cost. The cost of maintaining the schools and universities, the monthly operations cost etc. is part of the regular monthly cost and it will increase as result of the expansion of the education system.
CountriesHeader Landen
CountriesLink Landen
Country Advice Menu: Departments ‐‐> Educations ‐‐> Education priorities
Country Controlled Public Corporations Country controlled public corporations are public corporations where the largest share holder (which is not an investment fund) is the country. The largest share holder does not have to hold a majority of the shares. If the country holds 51% of the shares, it is obviously the largest share holder but it may also hold 10% of the shares and if none of the other share holders have more that 10%, it remains the largest. It is possible that one of the other shareholders will buy more shares and have more than 10%. If this shareholder is an enterprise, the corporation will become enterprise controlled public corporation and control will pass to the enterprise that holds these shares. In case that an investment funds is the major shareholder, control will remain with the largest shareholder which in not an investment fund. Investment funds can be large shareholders but they never control corporations. Public corporations can achieve higher quality and efficiency than state and private corporations. Public corporations where the largest share holder has less than 25% of the shares, can achieve even much higher quality and efficiency and can become very profitable.
Country Name Momenteel nog geen beschrijving
Country Order Quantity The ordered quantity when the country stock drops below the low-water mark. The quantity can be in months or in units, based on the chosen strategy.
Country Order Strategies Decide when country stock should be replenished. By the default, the game makes a decision based on the consumption by the population last month. As president you can decide to create replenishment orders based on the consumption last month or based on absolute quantities in units. For products that are not used by the population, the president can only trigger replenishment orders on absolute quantities.
Country Resources Used This is the amount of money paid to the country this month, or year to date etc. for the use of country resources. A corporation residing in a country, must make this payment which is a percentage of the corporate revenue. Only privately owned and public corporations pay this. State owned corporations do not pay as they are owned by the state.
Country Stock This is the number of products the country or enterprise now have in stock. You can see how many you have and decide how many you want or can purchase.
countrymap Country Map
countrymodel Documentation - Countries
countryNewsCloseToBankruptCashMessage @cntrNewsCountry@ has negative cash. The President should move money into the country or take loans. The money may orginate from another country.
countryNewsCloseToBankruptMaterialsMessage @cntrNewsCountry@ has sever shortages of all kinds of materials. The President should move money into the country or take loans and place orders to resolve the shortages.
countryNewsCloseToBankruptSummary The country has severe shortages.
Coverage Consumption Contracts Percentage These figures show per product, which percentage of the needs of the country is covered by contracts. If the percentage is zero, it may mean that there are no corporations in the country or in the common market that produce that product. A number under 100 may mean that production by corporations in the country or common market is insufficient to cover the needs of the country. If the percentage is 100%, it means that production of that product is sufficient.
cpopulation Population Distribution
cprofforce Professional Soldiers and Officers
creategifts Payments
creditsneeded Gold Coins
creditsSaleCanceled Payments
crestoreupload Settings
cretired Retirement Details
cscore Score Calculation for @strip(vCountryName)@
csecret Settings
csettings Settings
csettings1 Settings
csocialsecurity Social Security Payments and Budget
cspacecenter Space Center
cspaceindustry @strip(vCountryName)@ Space Industry
cspaceprogram Country Space Program
cstratforce Strategic Army
cSubmitTransferPeople Your Empire
cSubmitTransferProducts Your Empire
ctransfer Your Empire
ctranspickcountry Your Empire
ctransportation Roads, Rail Roads and Water Treatment
ctransprod Your Empire
ctutor Game Level 2 in 60 seconds and receive 10 Gold Coins
cunemployed Unemployment Details
cupload Settings
Current population size This is the number of people that could be transferred to another country. The number is such that if all these people are transferred, the country will have no less than 30 millions in population.
customizeSite My Site
cwhatsnext Now What - Guidelines on what to do next
Damage Point When you fight during war and you attack and destroy targets, you create damage points to tour enemy. Each fortification you destroy adds to the damage points and so do damaged cities, corporations etc. The war index of your enemy is 100 less the damage points. if you succeed in making 100 damage points against your enemy, his war index will be zero and you win the war.
Datum van aanbod Dit is de datum dat het product op de markt aangeboden werd. Als het product lang op de markt wacht, zal een bedrijf meer moeite doen het te verkopen. Het is belangrijk om te controleren dat alle producten die door bedrijven worden gemaakt verkocht worden.
Debt This is the current debt of the country. Debt is part of the net cash computation.
Debt in Corporations This is the total amount of debt in all the corporations owned by the country. Cash can move between the country and its corporations and debt is therefore part of the net cash of the country.
Default Country Order Strategy The game makes a decision based on the consumption by the population last month.
Defense Target You are protected from war in the initial playing period and you can extend that period. Long term, you do need defense.
The target number is an initial level of defense your country should have. It is insufficient in case of a large war. Lower levels of defense may invite attacks.
Defensie Index Dit is de hoeveelheid geld dat is uitgegeven aan defensie in de huidige maand, het wordt aangegeven in miljoenen. Het bedrag dat hier staat wordt uitgegeven aan alle eenheden van het leger, inclusief de salarissen van alle soldaten en officiers. Het bedrag dat wordt uitgegeven aan het kopen van nieuwe wapens, munitie en het bouwen van militaire basis, forten en vliegdekschepen is niet inbegrepen.
Dekking aanbod contracten Deze kolom laat de hoeveelheid product zien dat gedekt is door contracten die getekent zijn door het bedrijf. Ernaast staat een percentage. Als de hoeveelheid product die onder contract staat gelijk is aan het consumptie niveau, moet het percentage 100% zijn. Als er geen contracten getekent zijn is het percentage 0.
Dekking consumptie contracten deze kolom laat de hoeveelheid product zien dat gedekt is door contracten die getekent zijn door het land. Ernaast staat een percentage. Als de hoeveelheid product die onder contract staat gelijk is aan het consumptie niveau, moet het percentage 100% zijn. Als er geen contracten getekent zijn is het percentage 0.
delaccount Close Account
delentity Please Confirm
delgadgetConfirmFunction desk_deleteGadget()
delgadgetConfirmText Remove Gadget
delgadgetHead Delete Gadget
delgadgetLine2 Are you sure you want to remove @strip(miArg1)@ from your desktop?
delgadgetLine4 Please click Remove Gadget to confirm!
desktopbackground Desktop background
desktopborder Desktop borders
desktopsettings Change Appearance
Direct Trading Market Price No description available yet
Directeur Het directeur deel van het spel laat je spelen zonder de verantwoordelijkheid over een land. Je begint met niks en je kan een grote onderneming opbouwen die veel bedrijven heeft in verschillende landen. Als de directeur moet je de onderneming draaiend houden en heb je alle details van de zaak in controle. Je huurt in en ontslaat. bestuur de financi�n en regel alles.
disasterBeginOfBody The @disasterKind@ had a magnitude of @disasterMagnitude@.
disasterCorpTitle Factory damaged by @disasterKind@
disasterEvacuatedReturned @evacuatedReturned@ people returned home.
disasterPersonsDied @personsDied@ victims of the disaster died this month.
disasterRecoveryComplete The people of @recoveryCompleteCountry@ did now completely recover from this disaster.
disasterRecoverySummary The population of @recoverySummaryCountry@ is trying to recover from this disaster
disasterRecoveryTitle Recovering from a @recoveryTitleName@
disasterSubjectCorp A recent @disasterKind@ caused severe damage to @unrestSubjectCorporationName@
disasterWoundedRecovered @woundedRecovered@ of the wounded persons recovered.
docletborder Window Border
docletbuttonbackground Button Background
docletbuttonforeground Button Text Color
doclethyperlink Link Text Color
docleticonbackground Icon Background
docleticonforeground Icon Text Color
docletlistborder List Border
docletlistdataforeground List Text Color
docletlistheaderbackground List Header Background
docletlistheaderforeground List Header Text Color
doclettextforeground Window Text Color
doclettitlebackground Title Background
doclettitleforeground Title Text Color
docletwindowbackground Window Background
Doctor Education Priority This is the education priority for Doctors. A number between 2 and 10 will be sufficient in most cases. If you experience shortages or if you want to improve the health system quickly, priorities can be increased for some time but never forget to reduce them or you may end up with large numbers of unemployed doctors.
Doel Voor Sociale Voorzieningen Dit is een doel voor het niveau van de sociale zekerheid, als je dit doel berijkt zullen de mensen in het land blij zijn. Dit is niet nodig maar de sociale zekerheids index is direct verbonden aan het niveau van de sociale zekerheid in het land en het heeft ook effect op de algemene motivatie van de beroepsbevolking.
Dollars in jou account Dit is het aantal dollars dat op dit moment op je rekening staat.
downloadSheet Spread Sheet
Due Momenteel nog geen beschrijving
earncash Earn Cash
earncashRequest Earn Cash
earncashSubmit Earn Cash
earthQuakeBody @earthQuakeKilled@ were killed and @earthQuakeWounded@ persons were wounded.
earthQuakeCenter The epicenter of the quake was in @earthQuakeCenterCountry@.
earthQuakeEvacuated @earthQuakeEvacuees@ were displaced by the earthquake.
earthQuakeIntro The official magnitude of the earthquake was @earthQuakeMagnitude@ which was felt in the whole country.
earthQuakeTitle @earthQuakeTitleName@ hits @earthQuakeTitleCountry@
Economic Support - Easy Mode Several features that will guarantee that essential parameters in your country remain within reasonable values. These features are in effect for everyone playing less than a year. We strongly recommend to keep this feature on.
Education Index This is the index that represents the level of education in the country
The higher the index, the better the education. The index has three components. The school index, the high school index and the university index.
The education index tends to move in the direction of the lowest of these three indexes.
Long term, try to increase the education index to a level of up to 200.
Education setup and development This feature will gradually build your education system in a balanced way and bring it to an index level of 120.
Eerste kosten Dit zijn de eerste kosten die je krijgt als je een bedrijf opzet. Een bedrijf opzetten kost ongeveer $E 3 tot 9 miljard en 100 miljard startcapitaal. Het getal is een maatstaf van de totale investering gemaakt door de onderneming. De prijs van verbeteringen van qualiteit en effectiviteit van het bedrijf zit erbij inbegrepen.
Effectiviteit van jouw bedrijf Bedrijven zijn succesvol als ze goedkoper kunnen produceren. Hoge efficiency betekent dat een bedrijf dezelfde hoeveelheid kan produceren met minder werknemers. Als eigenaar kun je investeren in hogere efficiency en zo de prestaties van het bedrijf verbeteren. Dit is mogelijk door upgrades aan te schaffen. Het upgraden kan handmatig worden gedaan, maar kan ook automatisch, wat echter wel hogere kosten met zich meebrengt. Ge�pgrade bedrijven zijn over het algemeen gezien winstgevender. Het boostersysteem in het spel biedt de mogelijkheid om bedrijven veel sneller te upgraden. Kijk eens in het boostersysteem als je inlogt. Het hoort bij het gouden-muntengedeelte.
Elementary Schools This line shows the number of elementary schools that are currently available in your country.
It also show the number needed for a reasonable education level and the elementary school index which is a measure of how good elementary education is.
A level under 100 is insufficient.
elesson Game Level 2 in 60 seconds and receive 10 Gold Coins
Empire Leader This is the leader country in the empire. Each empire has an empire leader. This is usually the strongest country in the empire. Empire leader can be replaced by a different country.
Empire Slave This is a name for a country that is not the empire leader. It is part of the empire and was probably conquered in war and added to the empire.
empireMarketInvited Forwarded from @cntrName@

@cntrName@ is invited to join the common market '@mktName@'. Please join us!
EmpiresHeader Imperiums
EmpiresLink Imperiums
enowwhat How to improve your enterprise
entBankruptMessage The netcash limit for enterprises is @debtLimit@T SC$.

The netcash position of "@entName@" is @netCash@T SC$.

Please improve the financial position of your enterprise before it goes bankrupt.
Enterprise Controlled Public Corporations Enterprise controlled public corporations are public corporations where the largest share holder (which is not an investment fund) is the enterprise. The largest share holder does not have to hold a majority of the shares. If the enterprise holds 51% of the shares, it is obviously the largest share holder but it may also hold 10% of the shares and if none of the other share holders have more that 10%, it remains the largest. It is possible that one of the other shareholders will buy more shares and have more than 10%. If this shareholder is another enterprise, the corporation will remain enterprise controlled private corporation and control will pass to the enterprise that holds these shares. In case that an investment funds is the major shareholder, control will remain with the largest shareholder which in not an investment fund. Investment funds can be large shareholders but they never control corporations. Public corporations can achieve higher quality and efficiency than state and private corporations. Public corporations where the largest share holder has less than 25% of the shares, can achieve even much higher quality and efficiency and can become very profitable.
Enterprise Name Momenteel nog geen beschrijving
Enterprise Productivity Index This is the average of productivity in the enterprise corporations. Productivity depends on the welfare index in the country and mainly on the average salary levels. Productivity can increase above 100% if salaries are high but extremely high salary levels are likely to increase the cost more than can be compensated by higher production levels.
The higher the quality of the products of the corporations, the higher the break even point between salaries and production levels will be.
Enterprise Quality Index This is the average quality level of the corporations in the enterprise. The base level is 100 and it can increase with the quality upgrading of corporations.
Higher quality products will be sold for a higher price and increasing product quality is essential for the success of the corporations.
entKickoutDebt Het is de president niet gelukt om de schulden van de onderneming tot een redelijk niveau omlaag te krijgen.
entKickoutNoLogin De president laat een totale disinterresse zien in de onderneming.
entKickoutProduction Door de besluiten van de president is de productie tot een record niveau gezakt.
entMarketInvited @entName@ is invited to join the common market '@mktName@'. Please join us!
entNewsCorpClosed Het bedrijf @entNewsCorpName@ in @entNewsEnterprise@ is gesloten omdat @entNewsCorpCloseReason@. @entNewsFired@ werknemers zijn ontslagen.
entNewsCorpClosedSummary  @entNewsCorpName@ is gesloten
entNewsCorpClosedTitle Het bedrijf is gesloten
entNewsCorpMovedMessage The corporation @entNewsCorpName@ has been moved from @entNewsCountryFrom@ to @entNewsCountryTo@. The move was a direct order from the CEO of @entNewsEntName@. @entNewsFired@ employees were fired in @entNewsCountryFrom@.
entNewsCorpMovedSummary @entNewsCorpName@ has been moved.
entNewsCorpMovedTitle Corporation Moved
entNewsKickout De President van @entNewsEnterprise@ is eruit gegooid. @entNewsReason@
entNewsKickoutSummary Boze raad, unaniem besluit.
errorReport Error Report
escore Score Calculation for @strip(vEnterpriseName)@
Estimated Market Value in Gold Coins This is an estimate of the value of the corporation in gold coins. The value depends on the estimated market value in SC dollars and takes the exchange rate of SC dollars and gold coins into account.
Estimated use of Materials This is an estimate of the total of raw materials that are used by your corporations this month. The amount may change with changes in the number of corporations in your country but also when these corporations change the amount of products they produce due to shortages of raw materials or workers.
etutor Game Level 2 in 60 seconds and receive 10 Gold Coins
Executive Education Priority This is the education priority for Executives. A number between 5 and 15 will be sufficient in most cases. If you experience shortages, priorities can be increased for some time. The number of executives will remain quite low and having several hundreds or up to two thousands unemployed executives, removes any chance of shortages. Fast upgrading of many corporations can increase the need for executives quite quickly.
Executives Each corporation has several executives who are running the corporation. Executive and high tech executive, are the highest managerial positions in Simcountry.
Expected Profit Real Month This is the amount of money the country is expected to earn in a real life month. The amount is based on the expected profit for the whole game year. One game year is 4 real days so the game year amount is multiplied by 7.5 to get an estimate real month profit.
Expected Profit Real Month in GC This is a further computation of the expected profit for a real month. The amount in game money is divided by the current exchange rate for gold coins in your world and results in a number of gold coins.
Expected Profit this Game Year This is the amount of money the country is expected to earn in this game year. The amount is based on the current profit or loss in the country and it is extrapolated to the whole game year.
explainPortalNv Nominal Value
extendaccount Extend Premium Membership
extendcredit Simcountry
extendreg Simcountry
Fabriekseenheden Als je besluit een nieuw bedrijf op te richten leidt dat tot het bouwen van een nieuwe fabriek. Een fabriek verschilt voor ieder product. Als je geen fabrieken bezit, zal het bedrijf worden opgericht en zal er een fabriek op de markt worden gekocht. Fabrieken worden geleverd door bedrijven die zich specialiseren in de bouw hiervan. Je kunt dit proces versnellen door fabrieken van te voren te bestellen. Je kunt er ook voor kiezen een bedrijf op te richten dat fabrieken bouwt.
faq FAQ
fbbestceos Fearless Blue Best CEOs
fbbestpresidents Fearless Blue Best Presidents
fbinfo Fearless Blue
features Documentation - Simcountry Game Features
federatie Een federatie is een groep landen die verbonden zijn door een afspraak. Over het algemeen delen ze het leger en helpen elkaar als oorlog uitbreekt. De hulp tijdens oorlog is gelimiteerd tot het meedoen van de luchtmacht van bondgenoten in de verdediging. Leden van federaties moeten realiseren dat ze veel vliegtuigen kunnen verliezen in zulke militaire hulp acties. Er zijn regels die de federaties onderhouden en alle leden moeten instemmen. Sommige zaken worden besloten door een stemming. Iedereen kan een nieuwe federatie starten en mensen erbij uitnodigen. Bij een federatie moet je altijd gevraagd worden.
Federatielid Een federatielid is altijd een land dat werd uitgenodigd om zich bij de federatie te voegen. Een federatielid kan de voorzitter kiezen en het ook zelf worden als er genoeg leden zijn die op hem stemmen.
Federatievoorzitter De federatievoorzitter is degene die een federatie begint en die andere landen vraagt om zich aan te sluiten. Na verloop van tijd kunnen de federatieleden besluiten een andere voorzitter te kiezen. De voorzitter is verantwoordelijk voor het uitnodigen van nieuwe leden.
fedSecuredModeCountryMessage After a vote, the members of the @fedSecuredModeCountryMessageFed@ federation did not declare war on @fedSecuredModeCountryMessageCountry@ because @fedSecuredModeCountryMessageCountry@ is in Secured Mode.
fedSecuredModeCountrySummary @fedSecuredModeCountrySummaryCount@ countries did not declare war on @fedSecuredModeCountrySummaryCountry@
fedSecuredModeCountryTitle Federation does not declare war against @fedSecuredModeCountryTitleCountry@
fedWarOnCountryMessage Na een stemming, hebben alle @fedWarOnCountryMessageCount@ leden van de @fedWarOnCountryMessageFed@ federatie hebben oorlog verklaard aan @fedWarOnCountryMessageCountry@. Observeerders zijn bezorgd over deze nieuwe uitbraak van geweld.
fedWarOnCountrySummary  @fedWarOnCountrySummaryCount@ landen verklaren de oorlog aan @fedWarOnCountrySummaryCountry@
fedWarOnCountryTitle De federatie verklaart de oorlog aan @fedWarOnCountryTitleCountry@
fedWarProtectedCountryMessage After a vote, the members of the @fedWarProtectedCountryMessageFed@ federation did not declare war on @fedWarProtectedCountryMessageCountry@ because @fedWarProtectedCountryMessageCountry@ has enabled War Protection.
fedWarProtectedCountrySummary @fedWarProtectedCountrySummaryCount@ countries did not declare war on @fedWarProtectedCountrySummaryCountry@
fedWarProtectedCountryTitle Federation does not declare war against @fedWarProtectedCountryTitleCountry@
fedWarTooManyCountryMessage Na een stemming hebben de leden van de @fedWarTooManyCountryMessageFed@ federatie geen oorlog verklaard aan @fedWarTooManyCountryMessageCountry@ omdat @fedWarTooManyCountry@ al in te veel oorlogen verstrengeld is.
fedWarTooManyCountrySummary  @fedWarTooManyCountrySummaryCount@ landen hebben geen oorlog verklaard aan @fedWarTooManyCountrySummaryCountry@
fedWarTooManyCountryTitle De federatie verklaart geen oorlog aan @fedWarTooManyCountryTitleCountry@
fedWarTreatyOnCountryMessage  @attackerName@ heeft de oorlog verklaard aan @attackedName@. De oorlog start op @warStartDate@.
fedWarTreatyOnCountrySummary  @attackername@ heeft oorlog verklaard aan @attackedName@.
fedWarTreatyOnCountryTitle Oorlogs verklaring
fetchNewPayPalConfirmations Payments
Fighting Level The fighting level is also called the war level of the country (empire). It is an indicator of the capabilities of the player. To get to higher war levels, you must fight wars of increasing complexity against computer controlled countries.
Finance Index This is one of the main indexes. It represents your financial status and the higher it is the better. The index depends on the income and cost your country has now and in the past (game) year.
Financial Services This is the cost paid if the total of cash holdings run above some fixed number. It should be seen as banking costs when cash holdings are too high.
Financi�le indexcijfer Met het financi�le indexcijfer kun je bekijken hoe goed de financi�n van een land zijn. Als de opbrengsten van het land groter zijn dan de kosten is het hoog. De resultaten van ��n maand zullen het indexcijfer niet doen veranderen, wel als goede resultaten aanhouden. Een laag financieel indexcijfer be�nvloedt de score van een land. Als het indexcijfer onder de 40 komt zal het niet meer mogelijk zijn offensieve en strategische wapens te kopen. Dit geldt niet voor defensieve wapens.
Fixed Property Cost The fixed property cost is a stationary cost that includes things like rent for the building. This cost will not fluctuate, thus making it very hard for corps that hire less than the full 100% to keep afloat
floddingBody The Agency for International Development reports that at least @floddingKilled@ people are dead and @floddingWounded@ are wounded.
floddingCenter Among several countries, most impacted is @floddingCenterCountry@.
floddingEvacuated @floddingEvacuees@ are in need of emergency food and non-food assistance.
floddingIntro The flooding was driven by intensive rainfall of more than @floddingMagnitude@ inches in the last 24 hours.
floddingTitle Flood Disaster hits @floddingTitleCountry@
Follow Product Quality This sale strategy is designed to follow the product quality. Corporations can upgrade their production process and their products become better. Their quality is higher and they can fetch a better price on the market. This mean that you will need to increase the requested price from time to time to follow the quality or otherwise your price remains low while the products quality is increasing. Using this sale strategy, you can have you offering price follow the product quality. You can also decide to trail the product quality by a certain percentage. Example: you can decide to put your price at 10 points lower than the quality. If the product quality is 150, you will offer the products at 140. If product quality goes up to 155, you price will automatically go up to 145.
Follow Quality You can make a choice to use the "follow quality" strategy when you offer your products on the market. By clicking the checkbox for each of the corporations (or for all of them at once a the bottom of the corporations page) you choose this strategy for the corporation. Using this strategy you can set the product price to be equal to the product quality plus or less a fixed percentage. That requested price is entered into the field in the "Start" column. If the difference between the start price and quality is for example 12, that difference will remain in place even when the quality of the product is going up or down.
forgotPasswordRequest Forgot Password
forumjoinHead Forum
forumjoinLine2 You must be a member to join the Forum.
forumlogin Forum
Full Production Capacity This is the quantity of products that the corporation could produce if it was running at full capacity, or 100% of its production capacity. In cases where salaries in corporations are very high, production capacity could go even higher.
gadgetborder Gadget Window borders
gadgethyperlink Gadget Link text color
gadgettextforeground Gadget Window text color

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